Time To Get Serious
We are in deep trouble with climate change. Intermittent resource-gobbling, more dangerous, more inefficient wind and solar are making climate change worse.
We are hampered by opposition from fearmongers, biased "green" oganizations, carbon industries and competition for funds from inefficient, environment-wrecking wind and solar projects.
Our science-deficient legistrators have been misled by solar and wind reps who hide their huge carbon footprints and environmental defects.

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Time Traveling with Science and the Saints

Back to the Barrens: On the Wing with da Vinci & Friends

Eyes Wide Open

Unintended Consequences: The Lie that killed millions and accelerated Climate Change

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George Erickson, 4678 Cedar Island Drive, Eveleth, MN 55734
218-744-2003 tundracub7@gmail.com